Why it’s important to seal your grout


rout is basically a mixture of sand and cement. As a result, if you don’t seal your grout, it will absorb water, bacteria and stains.  Adding a grout sealer protects your grout so it’s water resistant and will repel moisture and germs.  Sealing the grout helps prolong the look, texture and consistency of your grout and it prevents mildew and mold.  Your grout will look better and last longer.

The one exception to the rule is if you have epoxy grout.  Epoxy-based grout (which is more expensive) is made from a different material.  It is often used with glass tile installations (especially for kitchen backsplashes).

When do you deal your grout?

After you’ve installed new tile, you want to wait at least 48 to 72 hours for the grout to dry and cure.

Your grout should be clean and dry and make sure the grout lines are cracked or chipped.  If they are, then touch up the grout and then wait an additional  48 to 72 hours before you start sealing the grout.

Be aware that you should NEVER apply grout sealer to the surface of non-glazed tile or natural stone.  If you do, the tile will absorb it and it will never come out (and it may be discolored).

If you are unsure what type of tile you have, contact the store that you bought the tile from.

Is It Difficult To Apply Grout Sealer?

No, it’s easy to apply grout sealer yourself.  It’s a bit tedious, and takes some time, but even a novice DIYer can easily do this. When you have larger tiles (e.g. 12″ x 12″), it’s pretty easy; when you have smaller tiles, then you have more grout lines and it will take a bit longer.

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